ქუთაისი, მეფესუთუბანი, ცისფერყანწელთა #7
Three room apartment for rent in Kutaisi city center, in the Mefetubani area ( King Area), opposite the first school, near Bikentia Sakababe. Prestigious area, variety of public and private transport, theaters, shops, various market chains, Karvasla shopping center, agricultural market, museums, galleries, entertainment centers, library, cable car, a large selection of restaurants and cafe bars. Near the river and the temple of Bagrat. The apartment has all the conditions for living, hot water, the interior and bathroom of the apartment are furnished according to modern standards, a refrigerator, air conditioning, furniture, a balcony, which ensures maximum comfort for the resident.
Address:Kutaisi, Tsisperqantselebi #7
price per month: 1000 GEL (nearly 375 USD)
contact person: Teodore 579 10 75 09
contact language preference, Georgian, Russian
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